June 10

Some real progress has been made in the last week.  The earthwork is moving along and the floors are done. Now I can get some of the trim work done and start moving things into their proper locations.  The bathroom plumbing is done. (Twice, but that’s another story.)  It has been raining so far this week so Barry hasn’t been back to continue the earthwork and it’s too messy to push the cars outside to move them into the storage bay.


Stronghold Floors were here for three days to put the epoxy floors in the shop and storage bay. Barry was doing some grading work at the same time. We were concerned about dust with the coatings going on but it wasn’t a problem. I also put the bathroom floor down today.

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The shop coating was finished and the storage bay first coat went on. I wrapped up the bathroom plumbing, and turned on the water.

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The second coat went on the storage bay. Now a 4 day wait starts before I can put anything heavy on the coated floors. There was water all over the bathroom floor… the freecycle toilet had a crack in it from all of the moving around over the winter… off to Home Depot again! Kerch picked up a few (49!) plants as a start for the landscaping phase of the project. We’ll have to wait until the topsoil is put down to start on that.

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Bathroom plumbing is done (again) and tools are starting to move into the wood shop.

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