May 24

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, not that we haven’t been working on it, just haven’t been taking as many pictures…

I took a few shots today to show where we are.  The floors in the wood shop and storage (or display) bay will get epoxy coated sometime in the next two weeks. Then I can start organizing the spaces. Everything is still pretty disorganized since the move.  The place is starting to look pretty good as you can see from the pictures. The two new cars came with a lot of parts and they haven’t been sorted out yet.  Barry should be back sometime in the next week or so to get the grading finished. As you can see from the pictures there is still quite a bit to do.

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April 29 – May 6

We haven’t updated in a while…since the last post Jonas and his boys have finished the ceilings and liner panels. Jonas was kind enough to leave his scaffolding here so I could work on the lights and fans and now the electrical work in the lift bay and storage bay is complete.  Shane is still working on the drywall in the office and wood shop, and we have finally (almost) settled on what the floors will look like. Lift bay will be the first done. Work shop and storage bay won’t be done until the first week of June, and I’m not sure about the office and bathroom. With the weather getting nice we might see Barry getting some of the grading done soon.

Bill Kerchner came up with a rolloff truck to move the MGA and Spitfire from Mechanicsburg to their new home yesterday. I didn’t start taking pictures of the move until we were almost done, so most are of the Spitfire. Two trips with the truck plus two carloads of parts for both cars! Plenty to keep me busy for a long time!

There are still a number of things to get done before we can call the project finished, but we are definitely getting close!

PS: Finally figured out how to put captions on the thumbnails…hovering the cursor on the slideshow also shows them, but I haven’t figured out how to get the captions to appear on the slideshow.

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Testing the fans and lights in the lift bay: